Can Horses Eat Apples?

Horses are generally not allowed to eat apples in high volume, as they can cause indigestion and diarrhea. Apples contain large quantities of sugar, which is digested very quickly.

Apples are high in sugar and low in protein which is not a good combination for horses.

When this happens it sends a signal to the stomach that food has been consumed, but since there is no additional food coming in the stomach – it may result in the release of acid or enzymes prematurely. The horse may also feel bloated, heavy, tired, and weak after eating an apple.

If horses are allowed to eat apples it is best in moderation.

An average-sized Horse weighing approximately 1,300 pounds requires about 2 quarts of hay per day. They would need about 6 ounces of grain concentrate with ½ ounce of salt daily.

The average horse needs between 16-20 quarts of water each day depending on the environment, size, and activity level of the horse. The general rule is that a horse will drink 1 gallon for every 100 pounds body weight daily.

If you are going to allow your horse to eat apples then apple slices are recommended, with the horses allowed to have them as treats.

Can horses eat Apple Cores

Horses can eat apple cores as long as they are not rotten. If you’re unsure about the core’s freshness, cut off a small piece and see if it smells like an apple.

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The flesh of the apple should be firm and dry to the touch; if it is soft or wet, then there may be an issue with spoilage that could make your horse sick.

Apple cores can actually have some health benefits for horses so it is best to consult with a veterinarian before feeding them to your animal too often.

Are Apple Seeds Poisonous to Horses

Apple seeds contain small amounts of amygdalin which can be deadly to horses in large quantities. Always take out the apple seeds before feeding the fruit to your horse.

Apple seeds contain amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside composed of cyanide and sugar. When metabolized in the digestive system, this chemical degrades into highly poisonous hydrogen cyanide (HCN).

The toxicity of apples in small amounts is not usually an issue for horses, but they can have gastrointestinal upset when fed too much fruit too quickly.

If you suspect that your horse has eaten a toxic amount of apples or if they show symptoms of distress, call your veterinarian.

Can Horses Eat Apples Whole

Whole apples are not safe to feed your horses as they might get lodged in their throats. They also ruin the teeth of horses as they chew on them.

You can give your horse an apple to eat if you are already in the habit of doing it but make sure it is small enough for the horse not to choke on it and cut it into manageable pieces.

Can Horses Eat Applesauce

Horses can eat applesauce, but it is not a very good treat for them. Horses get the majority of their nutrients from hay and grains and do not need added sugars or fruit juices.

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Applesauce is high in sugar and horses should only be fed grass or hay, as well as small amounts of vegetables such as carrots and peas.

Can Horses Eat Applesauce

You can also give them an egg every now and then for protein if they like eggs!

Can Horses Eat Apple Peels

Apple peels provide no nutritional value to horses so it is best not to feed them any. A horse will not get the right amount of nutrition from peels as they would from the hay or grass feed.

Horses are herbivores who need large quantities of hay and grass to stay healthy, but they don’t necessarily need fruits like apples. A horse should only be given fresh fruit sparingly because it lacks many nutrients that horses require to stay fit and healthy.

If you do feed your horse apple peels then it is worth noting that it will make them gain weight easily. The high sugar content can lead to weight gain and obesity, which can cause other health problems for your horse.

Can Horses Eat Green Apples?

Horses can eat green apples as a treat if properly sliced before feeding them. However, some horses may not like the taste or texture of fresh apples. If this is the case then you can try to feed your horse apple slices with a little bit of honey on top instead.

Horses should only be given whole, fresh fruit sparingly because it lacks many nutrients that horses require for staying fit and healthy.

It’s not a good idea to feed your horse apples as a staple meal, but it can make for a nice treat now and then.

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Horses Can Eat Red Apples?

Horses cannot eat red apples as they contain high levels of malic acid which causes digestive problems for horses – the opposite of what you want from an apple treat.

It is also thought that these types of apples can cause swelling in horses’ mouths and lips if eaten whole, although this is just a theory at this stage.

White or Golden Delicious apples are safe to feed to your pet horse though – they have lots of healthy minerals, nutrients, and vitamins packed into them so they’re sure to keep any horse happy.

Why Do Horses like Apples?

Horses like apples because they’re naturally sweet and they’re a great treat to feed them as it can encourage natural foraging behaviors that they would naturally do in the wild.

Can Horses Eat Apples?

These natural instincts mean that horses enjoy eating apples because of the texture, smell, and taste – much like how humans feel about them!

Apples are also high in vitamin C, which is incredibly good for treating infections, so if your horse has any wounds or scratches then feeding him an apple will help to speed up his recovery.  

Make sure you have consulted with your vet though before feeding anything new to your horse.

How Many Apples Can a Horse Eat a Day

Horses can eat a few apples a day as treats, but it’s advisable not to feed them too many as this could cause digestive problems.

Some horses might be allergic, so make sure you monitor their behavior and how they’re feeling after every apple snack.

For example, if your horse starts showing symptoms not seen before like coughing or wheezing then stop feeding him apples immediately.