Can Horse Riding Damage your Back?

Many people are scared to take up horse riding because they are worried it will damage their back. But, is that really the case? Let’s find out!

Some people believe that horseback riding can cause long-term spinal problems like chronic pain and back spasms. But there isn’t any evidence that this is true.

The human spine is naturally flexible, which means that it can withstand some impacts. Horseback riding doesn’t involve any unnatural twists or turns as far back pain goes – just a smooth rocking motion on the horse’s body where your weight moves from side to one another instead of jolting up and down like when you ride in an automobile!

Since spinal discs are meant for this type of movement they don’t get damaged by these movements (unless there has been trauma).

In fact, most people find their backs feel better after taking part-time exercise with horses than not at all because muscles have benefited from those natural stretching motions so much more readily than if we were running miles outside every day without stopping.



It goes without saying that our joints are also well supported by the horse’s muscles and a lot less pressure is exerted on them when riding.

A few precautions: Riding only makes sense if you have developed strong core stability (having control over those abdominal, pelvic floor muscle groups) since there will be times where horses can suddenly twist or turn.

1. Horse riding can be a great form of exercise, but it’s not for everyone

Riding a horse is a great form of exercise, but it’s not for everyone. You should consult with your doctor before beginning and take precautions while riding if you experience any symptoms or feel dizzy.

Keep these facts in mind when riding:

  • Wear appropriate clothes that protect from chafing (tight stretch pants are no good!)
  • Don’t ride directly after eating
  • Keep alcohol consumption low because it will make you drowsy and may have an effect on balance.

2. There are many ways to hurt your back when horseback riding

  • Falling off the horse and landing on your back

Horse riding is both a blissful and dangerous sport. One of the most terrifying things that could happen when horseback riding is the dreaded fall from your steed.

Riding should be approached with caution, but also bravery.

In some places in the world, people must brave all types of obstacles at speeds up to 45 mph! With this new knowledge in mind, going for a gallop may not seem so risky anymore!

  • Sitting in an awkward position (such as leaning too far forward) for too long

Horse riding is a great hobby for riders of all ages. As with all hobbies, it’s important to know the basics before getting started so that you can get the most out of your horseback riding experience and stay safe.

The basic principles include posture, balance, coordination (which includes using both reins together), seat position and leg aids.

See also  Can I Still Ride My Horse After Hip Replacement?


Can Horse Riding Damage your Back?


Many riders have experienced the discomfort of sitting in an awkward position for too long, such as leaning forward on a horse. This can lead to back or neck pain. And you may not realise how much time you spend this way!

We will go over some exercises and stretches that help with these problems.

Exercise: This exercise is perfect for those who spend a lot of time sitting in an awkward position. Start by leaning back on your chair with one arm across the front and reach up towards it to hold onto something that will support you, such as another person or wall (if at home). You can also do this while standing if needed.

Stretch: You can stretch your back by lying on the ground face down. Push up onto hands and toes while keeping hips from touching the floor (do not arch spine). Hold for a few seconds, then release position to return feet flat against earth before repeating this sequence again eight times on each side of body  ̶  right arm pushing forward towards hand making

The key thing to remember is that if you’re new to the activity of horse riding, please start slowly so you don’t hurt yourself or your horses!