Degloved Horse Hoof

Degloving is a serious condition that occurs when the hoof separates from the pedal bone after being exposed to trauma. It can lead to lameness and in-toeing or out-toeing of feet.

When a horse’s hoof is degloved, it results in an injury that can damage their coronary band and sensitive laminae. This means the hoof may be exposed to an infection or other serious problems for the rest of its life if not treated properly.

A degloved horse hoof is a very serious injury because the hoof cap protects many sensitive parts of the horse foot including its coronary band, laminae (related to particular tissue), and insensitive laminae.

Degloving injuries often result in significant bleeding due to lacerated arteries and veins so it’s important for veterinarians who treat these types of wounds to take special precautions during emergency treatment procedures.

It is a serious condition that often requires the immediate attention of your veterinarian doctor.

Causes of Degloved Horse Hoof Conditions

A degloved hoof is the most severe injury possible to a horse’s hooves. One of the main causes is laminitis or malnutrition, but accidents are also an issue. This rare occurrence has the potential for being very dangerous to your equine friend if not addressed immediately by professionals who know how to deal with these injuries correctly and effectively.

A horse is at high risk for losing their full hoof capsule if they have any of the following conditions: cracks, thrush, abscesses.

Horses with poor hoof health are significantly more likely to lose their full hoof capsule. Critical conditions, such as significant cracks or thrush, weaken the integrity of a horse’s overall hooves and increase the risk for serious injury or loss of its whole foot.

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The hoof wall can begin to separate from the sensitive structures of the hoof. This causes a horrible sensation that is an excruciating injury for horses, much like how you don’t want to step on glass barefoot because it makes your feet feel terrible.


In order to properly care for a horse’s hoof, it is important to understand the different severities of laminitis and classify what type of deformity is present.

Laminitis refers to an often deadly disease in horses caused by poor circulation in their feet, which causes pain when they stand on it or attempt movement. This often results in them standing still for long periods until further damage comes about due to exposure like infection or gangrene sets in eventually.

Laminitis can affect one or all feet, but most often occurs in the front feet concurrently. In severe cases where blood flow to these areas is significantly weakened and bone becomes separated from hoof wall completely.


Causes of Degloved Horse Hoof Conditions


Dry hooves are easy to inspect.

The hoof wall line is where the junction of the hoof and sole meet, which you can see between any changes in white lines on the outside. These are known as ‘white lines‘. When they appear anywhere else than at this boundary, it’s a sign that there might be an issue with your horse’s feet including infection or injury to their corns.

In a severe case of laminitis, it is much more likely that horses will lose part or all of their hoof capsule.

Signs of Laminitis

Laminitis is an extremely painful condition that can cause serious consequences for your horse. Laminitis results when the sensitive laminae of a hoof become inflamed and begin to separate from the bone lining inside of its wall; this leads to lameness in almost all cases.

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If you have a horse with laminitis, there are several signs to look out for.

These include;

  • Heat/swelling in the hoof
  • The horse may get irritable or refuse certain movements/ gaits- for example not wanting to bend at their knees when asked.
  • Lameness will lead you not being able to ride properly

Other possible causes of this condition include malnutrition (eating too many carbs), insulin resistance in horses who eat high carb diets all year round without being able to take advantage of it through working hard enough, etc., which can lead them into obesity.

Treatments for a Degloved Horse Hoof

The hoof without a cap is vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections. A lack of protection from the elements can cause chapping, which then causes cracking that compromises the integrity of the footwall.

The lack of waterproofing makes it easy for bacteria and fungi to get in resulting in infections that can cause drying which obviously allows more organisms inside leading to infection.

This increases your horse’s chances for infection occurring in deep tissue called ‘foot rot’.

If a horse is lucky enough to escape with minimal damage from a degloved hoof, its prognosis for how the horse can use it will vary greatly depending on the extent of the injury.

Horses that do not have any lasting tissue or bone damage tend to recover more quickly but may still require over 3 months before they are able to return out in public without assistance. Those horses who suffer from extensive degloving will likely take at least an entire year until they can be safely expected back into work and even then there is no guarantee how long it might take them once returned outside as far as recovering fully again

In most cases, if a horse has a completely detached hoof cannot regain full health because it must grow new hooves which take about 1-2 years time.

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There is a slight chance that even after re-growing their horse hoof, the new one might have some abnormalities. This means they would remain permanently lame unless treated and supervised by professionals

There’s always a risk when it comes to horses with injured feet because of how sensitive this part of the body is for them. However, if you give your horse proper medical attention through treatments and supervision from experts then there will be minimal loss or risks involved in dealing with injuries such as these ones.

How to Avoid a Degloved Horse Hoof

If you’re a horse owner, then you know how important your horse’s hooves are and the pain and discomfort they can experience without proper care.

Below, let’s explore what causes this condition, how it should be diagnosed by a veterinarian, and what to do to help avoid and prevent your horse from having a degloved hoof.

  •  Clean out your horse’s stall daily
  •  Check your horses’ feet regularly for any signs of injury or damage such as cracks or bruises; if there is any redness on the area then consult with a vet immediately.
  •  If you notice that your horse has lost its shoe, don’t wait until it becomes visible again before replacing it! A degloved hoof can lead to serious infections and complications.
  • Prepare your horse for the winter by talking to your vet about what kind of feed and supplements he or she requires. This will ensure that their hooves are strong enough throughout these harsh conditions.
  • When you take your horse out for a ride, be sure to keep an eye on the environment. For example, watch out for icy patches or hot ground that could lead to injury such as hoof capsule separation.