Can Ostriches Run Faster than Horses?

Have you ever wondered whether or not ostriches can run faster than horses? It’s a surprisingly common question, and the answer may surprise you. With their long legs and powerful wings, ostriches are capable of reaching remarkable speeds. But how do they compare to horses?

YES!! Ostriches can run faster than horses. An average horse can run at a speed of just 30 mph (48 km/h) while an ostrich can cover the same distance at a whopping speed of 43 mph (69 km/h). Amazing right?

Ostriches are the largest birds on the planet with enormous wings not designed for flying which makes them depend on their sturdy legs for racing and walking. A giant ostrich weighs about 300 pounds and towers at a height of 8 feet with most of its height being the neck. 

Ostriches have a spring in their step and require less muscle power to run from the generated elastic energy stored in their tendons. Although the American Quarter Horse can move faster than an ostrich, it is only for a few minutes because these horse species are fashioned naturally to run short distances.


The main difference between horses and ostriches is that a horse’s body is built for endurance rather than speed; they are better equipped for covering long distances at lower speeds, while an ostrich is designed for bursts of tremendous speed over short distances. 

Let us look into the physiology of ostriches and learn about what makes them unique and strong.

The Physiology of Ostriches

A large ostrich can cover a step as much as 25 feet long with a humping walk and a long neck like a camel. It is usually referred to as a “camel bird” because of its very long neck and ability to stay without water for long periods.

Their beak is flat and they have only two toes with short toenails on each foot. Ostriches are partly herbivores and carnivores that feed on grasses and small animals, they are often seen moving with zebras and antelopes. They are capable of seeing far beyond the horizon and alerting other animals when there is danger approaching by taking flight.

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While in motion, a running ostrich spreads its wings for balance since it cannot use them for flying due to the small size of its wings. When they are hatched, their size is more like that of chickens but within 6 months, they increase in size looking very large like their parents.

Tame ostriches can be attached to mini carts for children to ride in them. The males among them can roar like lions and a powerful kick from them can kill any animal, even a tiger.

What Makes Ostriches So Fast?       

So what makes these birds so fast? Well, their long legs certainly help; they give ostriches more leverage when they run and allow them to cover more ground with each stride than any other type of bird or mammal.

Ostrich wings also provide extra thrust when they need to get up to speed quickly. And although ostriches aren’t natural flyers, their long, strong wings are perfectly suited for wind resistance and help them balance while they run.

Can ostriches run faster than horses?

Ostriches also have large hearts and are incredibly efficient at providing oxygenated blood throughout their bodies during exercise – allowing them to keep going for longer periods of time without getting tired.

Their large hearts pump very fast and produce a lot of oxygenated blood. This is what helps them run faster and stay energetic for very long periods, even in the face of extreme heat or cold.

So while horses may be able to reach speeds that rival those of an ostrich over short distances, ostriches are simply better built for long-distance running.

Other Animals That Run Faster Than Horses

There are a number of other animals that can move faster than horses, including cheetahs – which are the fastest land animals on Earth and known for their lightning-fast sprints.


This is the fastest animal on the planet with a speed of about 64 mph (103 km/h). The cheetah is lightly built with slim legs and a long tail, it resembles a large cat, has noticeable black spots that are evenly spaced, and is found mostly in Africa and Iran.

The cheetah’s large lungs and heart allow it to take deep breaths and pump more oxygen into its body so it can achieve such speeds. Its long legs also help; they give it more power with each stride than shorter-legged animals have. 

Hunting is its major talent which makes it active in the daytime, it lunges at its prey from a distance and pierces its throat thereby suffocating it to death. Its gestation lasts for about 3 months which produces 3-5 cubs and breeds all year long.

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The cubs are weaned after 4 months of birth and become independent at 20 months, they are prey to hyenas and lions lucky enough to find them. Cheetahs spend more of their time in the air when running than on land and can only run for a maximum of 60 secs at any given period.

Antelope (Pronghorn)

An antelope has unique characteristics with its beautifully twisted horns and smooth hair that are similar to that of a deer. The average speed of an antelope is around 55 mph (88 km/h) which is a great level compared with that of a horse.

They attain this speed at quite tender ages within a few weeks of birth and are generally great jumpers. They can cover long distances and complete it within short periods.

Pronghorns have evolved over time to become extremely efficient runners; their bodies are light and lean, allowing them to move quickly without expending too much energy. Plus, their hooves have evolved into sharp points that provide better traction on various surfaces. 


The Gazelle is another animal that can outrun horses in a race. The average speed for a gazelle is around 50 mph but some species of gazelles can reach speeds up to 70 mph in short bursts.

Gazelles are found mainly in Africa and parts of Asia and they use their incredible speed for both hunting and escaping predators. They also rely heavily on their agility and sharp reflexes when running from danger.


Mostly found in African grasslands and savannas, lions are carnivores that hunt animals such as zebra and antelope. Their strength and speed make them outrun fast and large animals with an average of 50 mph (80 km/h).

They move close to their prey before attacking and are regarded as the largest predators in Africa. Lions possess a muscular body with a short rounded head and are bigger than their female counterparts living in a group known as “pride”. 

A cub has dark spots when born which fade away with time as it approaches adulthood with some faint spots remaining in its underparts and on its legs. They possess dark and hairy tufts at the tip of their tails which are not visible at birth.

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Lions rest almost throughout the day for about 20 hours in a 24-hour and are active mainly after sunset and continue till dawn when hunting begins.


You might not think of a greyhound when you consider speed, but these dogs can run up to 43 mph (70 km/h). They are often used to racing in competitions and have a built-in advantage; their legs are longer than most other dog breeds, giving them more power with every stride. 

Greyhounds also have long, slender bodies that help them reach speeds faster than other animals of the same size. They’re also designed for speed- so they have no problem running for long periods of time. Their build makes them more susceptible to injuries and other health problems than other dog breeds.

Greyhounds also have sharp vision and keen senses, allowing them to easily spot prey or threats in the distance. While they might not be the fastest animal in the world, these dogs certainly pack a lot of speed and agility in their small bodies.

Final Thoughts

Overall, there are many animals that can outrun horses in a race but it’s easy to understand why ostriches are renowned as being some of the fastest creatures around. They have powerful muscles and lungs that allow them to reach incredible speeds within seconds.

The antelope, gazelle, cheetah, and greyhounds can all reach high speeds as well, thanks to their unique physical characteristics and adaptations. Despite their impressive speed, however, ostriches are still the undisputed champions of running when compared to other animals.

Whether they’re outrunning predators or escaping danger, these magnificent creatures can rely on their wingspan and long, powerful legs to outrun even the fastest horses. No matter how you look at it, ostriches are truly one of nature’s most incredible running machines.​


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